HTM ›› 2020, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 202-206.DOI: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2020.02.039

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Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and hardness of Al2O3f/Mg-6Al-0.5Nd-0.5Gd composites

Zhang Sha1, Wang Wuxiao2, Sheng Qing2, Du Sheng1   

  1. 1. Department of Electronic Engineering and Inpormation, Shaanxi Energy Institute, Xianyang Shaanxi 712000, China;
    2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an Shaanxi 710048, China
  • Received:2019-07-12 Online:2020-02-25 Published:2020-04-03


Effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of Al2O3f/Mg-6Al-0.5Nd-0.5Gd composites were investigated by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscope and Vivtorinox hardness tester. The results show that after T4 solution treatment, β-Mgl7A112 phase disappears completely and dissolve in the α-Mg matrix, while the phase of rare earth compounds Al2Nd and Al2Gd cannot be decomposed and dissolved because of their high melting point, Al2O3f fibers become fine and uniform, and Mg2Si phase shows a certain tendency of decomposition and spheroidization. After aging treatment, β-Mg17Al12 phase precipitates again and distributes in lamellar or dispersed granular shape, which optimizes the coarse network structure in as-cast state. At this time, the hardness of the composite reaches the maximum value, which is 47.5% higher than that in as-cast state.

Key words: Al2O3f/Mg-6Al-0.5Nd-0.5Gd composites, heat treatment, β-Mg17Al12 phase, hardness

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