HTM ›› 2020, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 189-192.DOI: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2020.02.036

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Hardenability of D406A steel after vacuum high-pressure gas quenching

Lü Chaojun, Tang Lina, Ren Wei, Wang Jianbo, Zhang Tiande   

  1. Shanghai Aerospace Equipments Manufacturer Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200245, China
  • Received:2019-08-22 Online:2020-02-25 Published:2020-04-03


Effects of different gas pressure on mechanical properties, hardenability and microstructure of D406A steel were studied. The results show that the hardened depth of D406A steel increases with the increase of gas quenching pressure, the ø20 mm round D406A steel can be hardened fully when gas quenched under 5 bar pressure, and the ø10 mm round D406A steel can be hardened fully when gas quenched under 1.5 bar pressure. Mechanical properties of specimens quenched by gas can meet the standard requirements, and the microstructure is composed of uniform lath martensite.

Key words: D406A steel, vacuum high-pressure gas quenching, mechanical properties, hardenability, microstructure

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